

CropManager is an app for helping professional crop producers with all their management need related to crop rotation, fertilisation, irrigation, pest control and economic planning. You can use CropManager for planning, for instance to secure the most economic fertilisation in the given situation, and CropManager also contains modules for keeping accounts of chemicals purchases, for registration of operations like planting and fertilisation, and you can use ot for keeping track of livestock manure production and trades. It offers a variety of printouts for management needs as well as reports that can be used for documentation to authorities.

A core purpose of CropManager is Integrated Nutrient Management, meaning to manage nutrients on the enterprise, to ensure the best possible resource economy and recycling of nutrients, including nutrient budgeting and keeping accounts of manure nutrients.

CropManager is an on-line cloud computing tool, which means that you can access it anywhere there is an internet connnection, such as via computer, tablet or smartphone. It is a great advantage, that you can share your access to your CropManager data with anyone you have given the access, such as your adviser or your employees.

Detailled weather data for the exact location of your fields is availabel at the dashboard of the app and presented as current weather, hourly forecasts for the next 24 hours and daily forecasts for the next 7 days. Optionally, CropManager provides advanced soil data for the individula fields in the form of current soil humidity and temperature at surface and 10 cm's depth.

Click here to start using CropManager today...

The intention of AgroTechnologyATLAS is to share validated information, data and tools about technologies for reducing the climate impact and environmental load of farming, including the organic material, livestock manure and biomass it is handling.

Technologies for reducing the climate impact and environmental load of farming are on this web site defined as those primarily having relation to agriculture and livestock production, for instance related to EUs Nitrates Directive (91/676/EC), Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EC) and Emissions Ceilings (NEC) Directive (2016/2284/EU). The technologies includes as well some Best Available Techniques, as defined in the Reference Document on Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs and its related Implementing Decision (EU/2017/302).

Click here to to got AgroTechnologyATLAS.

Ongoing projects

'CiNURGi' stands for 'Circular nutrients for a sustainable Baltic Sea Region' and is an Interreg Baltic co-funded project that is implemented in the period November 2023 to October 2026. The Kick-Off Meeting happened in Gothenburg of Sweden in the days 29 November til 1 December 2023. The project is led by RI.SE and has 25 partners from the eight EU Member States around the Baltic Sea. 

Organe Institute is leading a task in the project about 'Market evaluation and policy review', which more specifiically aims at identifying exemplary cases of nutrient recycling within the sectors of wastewater treatment, food processing and other industries, as well as farming, and to analyse markets and policies that are important for these cases. The overall purpose is to increase recycling of nutrients in waste products so that they are brough back into the primary food productionn cycle, resulting in reduction of emissions to air, water and soils.

BeSafeBeeHoney will in many ways support the development of the honeybee population and the honey production. The project is a COST Action that is supported financially by the European Union. It has initially participation of 48 partners in 27 countries, mainly EU Member States, but also overseas and third countries like South Africa, Turkey and Argentina. The project will run in the period from Autumn 2023 till Autumn 2027.

Read more about BeSafeBeeHoney at

The European Commission has gathered Detailed information on honey production in the European Union, including its current status, importance for our economy and health, and the policy framework governing the sector. This information is a clear justification for the BeSafeBeeHoney project.

In the BeSafeBeeHoney COST Action, it is ORGANE's expertise in market and policy analyses as well as in developing recommendations for good practices, codes of conduct and policy recommendations that mainly will characterise ORGANE's role. ORGANE will also be involved in stakeholder engagement, communication and dissemination, and in management of the COST Action, and will in this connection seek to involve Danish stakeholders and expertise related to apiculture, with due respect to involvement of young researchers and to secure gender balance.

Henning Lyngsø Foged is member of the Monitoring Committee (MC) as representative of Denmark, and he is leading Work Group 5 (WG5) concerning 'EU policies, safety practices and market analysis of the honey value chain: establishment of BeSafeBeeHoney protocols.'.

Within the frames of the two-year SYNECO project that is coordinated by the Farmers Central Cooperative Society Ltd (FCCS) and co-funded by EU, ORGANE shall provide expertise to enhance the recycling of manure nutrients to the benefit of environment, nature and climate, as well as to reduce costs for and dependency on mineral fertilisers. 
Malta is with an area of 316 km2 one of the smallest EU Member States, but has with about 465,000 inhabitants in the same time one of highest population densities in the World. Malta consists of the main Malta island, the smaller Gozo island plus a number of other islands. Its agriculture is dominated by small fields, where mediterranean crops like olives, grapes and vegetables plays a large role. There is about 152 pig farms with 77,000 pigs and about 394 cattle farms with 19,500 heads, 40 per cent of which are dairy cattle. Malta is self-sufficient in the production of most vegetables, milk and eggs but partially depends on imports when it comes to meat, wine and potatoes. Current manure management practices are costly and not sustainable. It is for instance a common practice to clean stables with water and lead the effluents to municipal wastewater treatment plants.    

A newsletter of August 2021 from the National Rural Network Managing Authority of the Government of Malta explains in more details about the SYNECO project as well as related activities in Malta. 
ORGANE's role is to work for a higher NPC recycling in Malta farming, based on the manure processing that SYNECO establish. This includes identification and demonstration of methods for Malta crop and vegetable farmers' optimal use of these end and byproducts. SYNECO has direct participation of livestock farms and will to a large extent work with activities that engage members of the FCCS, such as field trials, demonstrations and trainings. ORGANE will for this employ CropManager for online Integrated Nutrient Management at farms. The online tool is currenlty being revised, among other to enable its use under farming conditions with several crop rotations per year. ORGANE will also use the scientific knowledge to manure processing and its end and byproducts that is held in AgroTechnologyATLAS, and extent it with relevant information from the SYNECO project.

SYNECO has by the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) been displayed at their webpage as a best practice project - see

Find more information at the project web page

Completed projects

b EIP-AGRI has selected ORGANE, represented by Henning Lyngsø FOGED to become member of a Focus Group on "Digital tools for sustainable nutrient management", which will start its work in March 2022. The relevance of this Focus Group is especially related to ORGANE's current involvement in the SYNECO project in Malta combined with the fact that ORGANE offers CropManager for Integrated Nutrient Management, which is being updated parallel with the SYNECO project implementation, giving the opportunity to adapt it to Malta context. CropManager is aiming at being a management tool for crop farmers' nutrient management, and in the same time a tool for making users able to comply with regulations, including delivering required documentation to the authorities. The main challenges faced during the last 14 years working with implementation of CropManager in countries like Latvia and Lithuania, has been to link CropManager with the public registers. We have been met with the attitude that the public registers do not see it as their role to make their collected data inter-operational or re-useable, which makes it hard for us as service provider to deliver the quality services we would like to the crop farmers. ORGANE will work for establishing of standards, protocols and best practices for sharing data between public registers and nutrient management tool service providers, completely in line with the intentions of the Farm-to-Fork startegy that will introduce the use of Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), a.o. building on principles behind a FaST tool under development.

Click here to read more about the Focus Group


IoF2020 PitstopPLUS is funded by EU

Precision Mineral Supplementation is Use Case 2.6 of the Internet of Food and Farming 2020 (IoF2020) project. IoF2020 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884.

IoF2020 is dedicated to make precision farming a reality by promoting data-driven technology, that can improve the comptetitiveness and sustainability of food and farming. IoF2020 is designed to generate maximum impact right from the outset and in the long-run, bringing closer together and integrating the supply and demand sides of IoT technologies in the agri‐food sector. Read more at the IoF2020 webpage -


Internet of Food and Farming 2020

The idea of precision mineral supplementation of dairy cows is completely novel and unique, and no other technology similar to PitstopPLUS is found. The use of electronic ear tags for dairy farm management purposes is spreading, and PitstopPLUS uses the open standards HDX or FDX for electronic ear tagging based on ISO standard 11784 and 11785 according test methods given by point 7 in ISO standard 24631-1. Furthermore, PitstopPLUS uses LoRa wireless networks for communication between the feeders and the master unit, and a management and supervision interface, PitstopPLUS Manager, happen e.g. on basis of WiFi connected mobile phones, and cloud-based data storages with synchronisation with Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) data. The whole systems shall work in an environment with high variations in temperatures in a dusty, humid atmosphere with high concentrations of ammonia and other aggressive gases.

The Use Case activities are designed to mature PitstopPLUS for exploiting its advanced features as well as its synergies with the existing UC2.3 HERDSMAN+. Establishing test beds in three different regions ensures a range of location-sensitive issues to be clarified, given their diversity in pre-conditions for use of IoT based farming systems. The central goal is to showcase and optimise the PitstopPLUS system for commercial use in these three countries / regions to pave the way for access to markets worldwide, or in specific at the main target markets that are specified in our Feasibility Study, whereof Germany potential is one of the largest key markets.

Some facts

The Use Case project runs for two years in 2019 and 2020. Organe Institute ApS is coordinator of the Use Case with Zemnieku Saeima, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Lehr- und Versuchszentrum Futterkamp under Landwirtschaftskammer Schleswig-Holstein as partners.

The Use Case is implemented in close contact with stakeholders, first of all the six dairy farms, where PitstopPLUS is demonstrated and trialed, but as well mineral feed suppliers, farm advisory organisations, research, dairies, representatives of IACS registers holding information about dairy cows, and consumers. A central stakeholder is MicroFeeder, which is the company that develops the PitstopPLUS technology and will market it in the future.

Information about Use Case activities will be availble from the PitstopPLUS webpage as well as from and social media.


The SuMaNu platform participant group.

SuMaNu, which is an abbreviation for the Interreg-Baltic co-funded platform project "Sustainable manure and nutrient management for reduction of nutrient loss in the Baltic Sea Region", has started with participation of Organe Institute.

Interreg-Baltic has supported SuMaNu as well as five other platform projects, which all aims to follow-up on earlier projects in their repective priority area in order to strengthen project impacts and sustainability of project results, in particular by better linking of project results with policies.

The aim of the SuMaNu project platform is to enhance the capacity of authorities, policy makers, farmers and advisors to use and govern the use of nutrients, especially from manure, in a sustainable way and to reduce nutrient leaching. The project also aims to enhance the capacity of the target groups to understand the concept of nutrient recycling. This will be done by summarizing the project results to sciencebased recommendations that will be created in close cooperation with the target groups and communicated via the wide networks of the partnership.

You can find more information at the platform website:

Our role

Börger mobile slurry separtion was organised at Bornholm by Baltic COMPASS

The SuMaNu project, being highly related to policies in the area of nutrient management in farming, including manure management, fits highly the competences of Organe Institute, who participated broadly in the project activities. Organe Institute contributed with clarification of key messages and recommendations of earlier projects, and evaluate the degree of their implementation and reasons for that in the different Baltic Sea Region countries. In specific, Organe Institute was task leader for analysing mechanisms behind gabs between projects' declared objectives and their delivered results.

Organe Institute's participation in SuMaNu has its basis in our role as work package leader in 'Baltic Slurry Acidification', and Director of Organe Institute, Henning L. Foged, has also been work package leader in the earlier strategic project BalticCOMPASS, been involved in BalticManure, and had a close cooperation with BalticDEAL.

The photo is from BalticCOMPASS, which recommended a wider use of slurry separation, and therefore supported a cooperative of pig-farmers at Bornholm to establish a mobile slurry separation unit.


The project is co-funded by Interreg Baltic

Baltic Slurry Acidification promotes the implementation of slurry acidification techniques (SAT's) in the region and mitigates thus airborne eutrophication of the Baltic Sea waters and hazardous aerosol formation in the Baltic Sea Region. Livestock manure is the main source of ammonia-nitrogen emissions in the region and, through atmospheric deposition, these emissions account for a significant amount of nitrogen entering the waters. Ammonia emissions also threaten human health through the formation of particulate aerosols, which as a pollutant is estimated to have a very high negative impact on human health. Slurry acidification techniques (SATs) can be used to reduce ammonia losses from livestock manure in livestock housing, manure storages and from the fields during the application of manure. Several pilot SAT installations and field trials around the Baltic Sea region will provide concrete experiences that will be disseminated to stakeholders via field walks, demonstrations and other activities. The project will further clarify technological aspects of SATs, analyze the environmental and economic implications, conduct market analysis and suggest policy recommendations that could help dissemination of SAT technology in the Baltic Sea region.

Some facts

Baltic Slurry Acidification is a flagship project in EU's strategy for the Baltic Sea Region'

Baltic Slurry Acidification started in March 2016 and lasts three years, until March 2019.

Baltic Slurry Acidification has status as a flagship project, meaning that it has an acknolwledged role in the implementation of EU's strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Our monogram for the project signals the connection to livestock production.

Get a short project presentation sheet here: 

Read more at the project web site at and follow us at Facebook.

Our role

Project coordinator Erik Sindhöj and WP6 leader Henning Lyngsø Foged at project Kick-offf meeting in Uppsala, March 2016

Organe Institute ApS leads WP6 about policies and market analyses. WP6 will do country specific analyses of related policies, legislation, framework conditions and market potentials and will thus clarify the potential for use of Slurry Acidification Technologies (SATs) in the individual Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries. Danish policies, legislation and support schemes will be a baseline for policies, legislation and support schemes in other project countries, and potential enablers and barriers for the disseminated use of SATs in the Baltic Sea Region countries will be identified. The activities will include investigation of possible work safety related provisions associated with SATs, and exchange of Danish ways to take ' necessary precautions. Market analyses will especially focus on the farming structure and practices that are favouring the use of SATs, such as slurry’s share of produced livestock manure.

The work from WP 2 (Technical Feasibility Studies), WP 3 (Pilot Installations and Demonstrations), WP 4 (Field Trials), and analyses from WP 5 (Environmental and Economic Implications) will support the studies in WP 6. On basis of that, policy recommendations will be formulated and they will provide the foundation for a qualified dialogue with target groups, including authorities, farmers organisations, research, farm advisory services, business and policy makers in the BSR countries concerning the potentials of SATs as  instruments for reach of national targets for air and water quality as well as for the economic development of the livestock production.

Roundtables geared towards the target groups will be aimed to stimulate cross-sector and policy oriented dialogue, and to rise the capacity to develop national legislation and support schemes for SATs. Dissemination and communication activities will also comprise articles for the project website and various media, newsletters and presentations at international conferences.

Specific objectives include activities like:

  • Country-wise policy recommendations and guidelines
  • Roundtable meetings

PitstopPLUS is a market
                             disrupting invention that results from rethinking the way dairy cows should be supplemented in the context of
                            increased use of TMR along with increasing productivity.

Organe Institute has assisted MicroFeeder to receive funding from the SME Instrument udner EU's Horizon2020 programme for carrying out a Phase 1 Feasibility Study.

Only about 5% of the very best written proposals based on convincing business cases are seleected for funding under the SME Instrument.

Pitstop PLUS is a market disrupting invention that results from rethinking the way dairy cows should be supplemented in the context of increased use of TMR along with increasing productivity.

Click here to read more about PitstopPLUS

About us

Using knowledge to push development

Henning Lyngsø Foged, Director of Organe Institute ApS

Henning Lyngsø Foged, Director of Organe Institute ApS: "Research and innovation in the agro-food sector builds inevitably on Community policies about environment, food safety, waste handling, renewable energy, animal welfare, feeds and many other things. Being on forefront with Community policies and legislation is therefore a key factor for business success. Based on deep insight into the policies, standards and legislation of the European Union, Organe Institute ApS offers its expertise and services, whether for studies, technical assistance, training, evaluation, project implementation, reviewing or institutional development."

Image Description

We undertake agro-food sector related research & innovation activities of general and public interst. As a not-for-profit private research institute that primarily works for public funding, we do according our statutes not pay out profit to the owner.

Our organisation was established on 3 February 2016 with the Danish Business Authority.

Some legal facts
about us


Contact us

Organe Institute ApS
Skødstrupbakken 64, DK-8541 Skødstrup · +45 6141 5441 · · henning4865