One of the new features introduced in the newly revised Honey Directive is the setting up of a Honey Platform that, according to Article 4b of the revised Honey Directive, shall a) gather data for methods to improve authenticity controls of honey, in particular methods for the detection of adulteration in honey, with a view to possibly harmonising them; b) provide recommendations for a Union traceability system, with a view to tracing the honey back to the harvesting producer or importer; c) provide recommendations on the possible need to update the composition criteria and other quality parameters laid down in this Directive; and d) provide recommendations with a view to establishing a Union reference laboratory.

Stakeholders along the honey supply chain, civil society, and experts in a personal capacity, including those from academia, are encouraged to submit their application by 15 July 2024.

The document concerning the call for application with all the information on the structure and functioning of the Platform as well as the criteria for the selection and participation is found here. From WG5 of the BeSafeBeeHoney project, we encourgae our members with interest and relevant expertise to respond to the call.